Cancellation Dutch International Flute Competition and 15th Adams Flute Festival
Dear participants, staff and guests,
To our great regret we have to announce that due to the corona crisis, the Dutch International Flute Competition during the 15th Adams Flute Festival will have to be cancelled.
For many visitors from the Netherlands and from abroad it is clear that they are unable to attend the Flute Competition and the 15th Adams Flute Festival. Many participants, teachers as well as staff have invested a lot of time in their preparation for this event. This makes us regret this cancellation even more. However it is obvious to everyone that public and private health are more important than this fantastic festival and flute competition.
We are very happy to share with you that the plans for next year are ready. The full festival program and the program for the competitions 2020 will be postponed to April the 16th through April 18th 2021. The preliminary rounds of the flute competition will be held from April 13th through April 15th. This means that the applications for masterclasses as well as for the competition will be valid next year. We know that most teachers and adjudicators will be present next year. This applies especially to Sir James Galway. Of course we will inform all participants and staff by email.
We wish everybody good luck and to take care. We will keep you informed and send updates of all the details concerning the festival and competition of 2021.
On behalf of the Dutch International Flute Competition and Adams Flute Festival. lees meer/read more |