
Who will enter the live rounds? (06/02/2025)

Who will enter the live rounds?

All participants have submitted their videos for the 15th Dutch International Flute & Piccolo Competition. Our adjudicators have one month to select the participants for the live 2nd round...
Again we organize the Grand Finale with orchestra and conductor Carlo Jans on April 26, 2025 during the 18th International Adams Flute Festival!
Visit the live rounds or follow us online:
March 1, 2025: announcement of the participant selection for the 2nd round
April 22 & 23, 2025: 2nd round (live)
April 24, 2025: 3rd round (live)
April 25, 2025: rehearsal day (and start of the festival)
April 26, 2025: Grand finale for bachelor and master students with orchestra
April 26, 2025: concert with the prize winners and orchestra
April 26, 2025: final round piccolo students
April 27, 2025: final round young talents
June 4, 2025: concert in the recital hall of the Concertgebouw Amsterdam
We offer you a well-organized competition and the opportunity to gain contacts for life...

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1st prize Dutch International Traverso Competition

Last year Ching-Yao Wang won the 1st Dutch International Traverso Competition. Recently he received the flute that was handmade for him: an excellent traverso flute after A. Grenser made by Martin Wenner.

The flute sounds amazing and Ching-Yao will be playing it at the International Händelfestspiele in Göttingen in February. 

We wish Ching-Yao many successful concerts!

In 2026 we will organize a traverso competition again and to inspire you, we will publish the 2024 live recordings coming week on our YouTube channel @dutchflutecompetitions...

#flute #piccolo #traverso #competiton #talent #students #classicalmusicians

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De Fluitwedstrijd

Nog even nagenieten: de foto's van de fluitwedstrijd in Berlicum staan online...
De Fluitwedstrijd is geen concours, want iedereen valt in de prijzen! Ook als je pas een paar maanden dwarsfluit speelt...
Met dank aan muziekschool Médèz , Francien Post (jury), Egbert Jan Louwerse (jury & fluitorkest), Wouter van Breugel (initiatiefnemer & docent), Jef Geerinckx (fotografie & docent), Anneke Verhoeven (docent), Leonie Pijpers (docent), Renske van der Heijden (docent), Valerie Tille (workshop), Maarten van den Hoven (pianist) en Paul Hermsen (pianist).
Wordt in het najaar vervolgd in Noord-Nederland...

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