No new flute factor has been organized since the corona pandemic.
Check for the local alternative for the youth!
For whom was the Flute Factor?
Do you have the Flute Factor? Are you able to convince our adjudicators with your special performance? Adams Flute Factor is an accessible open stage for all flute players between 8 and 13 years of age. Even if you have played for a few months only, or when you like to improvise, Flute Factor offers you the stage!
In 2020 we asked you to give an artistic interpretation of the theme 'dance'. Feel free to make a great performance by using this theme: you can play a gallant baroque dance or beatbox a hip dance.
Preliminary round & final round:
Make a recording (audio and video) of yourself and complete the online registration form before January 1. The form allows you to add a link to your recording. Our adjudicators invite about 20 participants to the grand final round during the 15th Adams Flute Festival in Ittervoort. In the morning you will get a workshop about stage presentation.The award ceremony is planned around 4:30 PM. If you want to get inspired, check out our YouTube playlist from 2019.
The adjudicators take into account your age and the number of years that you have played the flute. It's not the result that counts, but your talent! The adjudicators pay attention to the following aspects:
> Musicality
> Creativity
> Flute Factor
Talent show:
Flute Factor is a talent show and not a competition. This means that not the best player has to win, but the one who knows how to inspire others. This way upcoming talent gets a chance. We are looking for talents who also have the guts to present themselves on other stages. You must therefore be both musical and creative and possess the Flute Factor. For example, the winner of Flute Factor 2018 played at the Kinderprinsengracht concert for Zapp TV.
If you are already an advanced talent and/or are a student in a training for young talent, you participate in the category young talent of the Dutch International Flute Competition. In this category you are also judged on your technical qualities and you are already working on your career as a flute player.
> 1st prize: Azumi Flute free of choice worth € 2500,- (and an IPad-mini for the teacher)
> 2nd prize: Adams Voucher worth € 500,-
> 3rd prize: Adams Voucher worth € 250,-
Download documents:
Participants regulations
Please read the additional information you receive by mail in advance!