Flute Factor 2015
These are the winners of Flute Factor 2015:
Elena Krivorotova recieves from Albrecht Rabung, on behalf of Azumi / Altus, the first prize of € 2500,-. (photo Annette Kempers)
1. Elena Krivorotova, Russia, Gnesin special school of music, Olga Ivusheikova
2. Sofiia Matviienko, Ukraine, Elena Dimitrova
3. Saule Gailiunaite, Belgium, Leen Claessens
4. Imogen Davey, Great-Britain, Nikki Warrington
4. Sarah van der Lijke, The Netherlands, Marianne Wormgoor-Bosch
(prize, name, nationality, education and/or teacher)